Where to find where a kinovea file is saved
Where to find where a kinovea file is saved

Some annotation tools can be used on the capture screen to create alignment guides and get live feedback. The main interface can be configured for a single camera, two cameras or one camera and one playback screen. Visualize angle-angle diagrams to determine joints dynamics during motion.

where to find where a kinovea file is saved

Get angular kinematics for angle tools and custom tools containing angles. Get linear kinematics based on the trajectories of points or multi-point objects. Visualize a scatter plot of all markers added to the video. Track the evolution of a multi-point object. This requires an extra lens-calibration step to determine the intrinsics parameters of the camera that captured the video.

where to find where a kinovea file is saved

The entire coordinate system can also be compensated for lens distortion. This lets you perform measurements even if the plane of motion is not aligned with the camera. In addition to the flat, 2D, axis-aligned calibration, you can use a powerful grid-based calibration which allows for rotated or perspective-aware coordinate systems. You can zoom in to increase precision, measurements are done with subpixel accuracy. Measure time spans using the chronometer and distances and angles using the line, angle and goniometer tools. Many of the more advanced tools found in Kinovea like the bike-fit, archery or human model tools are actually custom tools that you can copy and modify to suit your needs.Ĭustom tools can have tracked points, computed points, distances and angles measurements, visibility menus, styling and colors and other goodies.Įxternal images can be imported as image objects into the video. These are XML files describing the list of points, lines, angles and how the tool should behave when the user interacts with it. They can be copied and pasted around frames and videos.ĭraw attention to something using the spotlight or magnifier tools.Īdvanced tools can be created from scratch using a powerful custom tool framework. Videos with heterogenous framerates can be synchronized.Ĭreate key images at times of interest and attach rich text comments to them.Īdd basic annotations like labels and numbers, lines and arrows, curves, multi-line paths, rectangles, markers, freehand drawings.Īnnotation drawings have names and styling properties. Time in Kinovea can be represented in various units like the frame number, the total milliseconds since start, or a classic timecode format.įor videos that are already in slow motion because they have been captured with a high speed camera, the scale of time can be adjusted to the capture framerate and all times across the program will then reflect real time values. Thanks to the awesome work of translators from around the World the user interface is available in 26 languages.

where to find where a kinovea file is saved

Static images get a special treatment and are converted into 10-second videos to allow multiple pages of annotations on a single image. The video player is based on the FFMpeg libraries and thus can read almost any video format you will throw at it. Kinovea doesn’t try to manage your video collection, instead it just provides browsing into your drives and shortcuts. The main window doubles as an explorer for videos files, favorite folders and cameras. Kinovea is organized around four core missions related to studying human motion: capture, observation, annotation and measurement.

where to find where a kinovea file is saved

It provides a set of tools to capture, slow down, study, compare, annotate and measure technical performances. Kinovea is a video player for sport analysis and suitable for any kind of video forensics analysis.

Where to find where a kinovea file is saved